

Many have daily rituals. A daily system could sound as it were boring. I am not much of an organized system person for daily activities since my usual life as many various unpredictable events in it. Teaching can occur from morning til midnight, social events happen all the time in the city, and I am always tempted to go encourage creative friends. 3 kids even though now adults, still has its share of surprises, and lunches and diners are often a late or skipped activity.

Here, with nothing of the previous mentioned sometimes stressful random system, it became healthy and relaxing to deal with a very calm but efficient course oriented schedule. It seems I always have to do 2 things at once to make it with readings and forums so far, but it is done with peacefulness. Waking up and coffee at 7h30 (coffee + peak at team emails), dog walk + moskito bites (jejenes they are called, tiny ferocious), breakfast + contemplation. Readings + taking notes, reading forums + answering team members.
Another ritual in the daily system, jogging at 4h30 before sun sets + dog run and swim.
Relaxation and waiting to see if -green ray- will show up.

Looking right or left, there is not much to disturb the peacefulness around here.

On a weekend, still waiting for the green ray, this beach stand had me realize there might be a competition positive feedback loop here. Corona or Pacifico. (positive feedback loop, as opposed to its name, is not always a positive thing.

When we arrived, first week, it was vacation time for me. While discovering the little -pueblo- that would become our new home place until January, trying Margaritas seemed a good option among others, to taste various local habits. Billy Bob's, backyard terrace was suggested to us for the quality of its drink and the strangeness of its crowd (for Andre's novel). A poor cocodrilo was the age of her imprisonment 67 years old. Billy Bob, the owner, didn't really care for my compassionate but still too discrete comments. She's too fat now anyway...she wouldn't survive...
Human access to equity being already quite questionable, (although it is not a judgment in human happiness or equilibrium), there is no such thing as animal rights in San Blas.

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