
RESIDENCY DAY , I don't know which...

Elizabeth from KOMAZA on Vimeo.


We talked a lot about gender particularly in Peta's class. We taked about activism as well, in both. We are invited to refelct on education every day of course. Environment and social issues being interdependant is quite clear in many ways and communication can adress that very well. I often think of my students and the things we share together in class, and outside, or through my course blogue. I will come back to writing but in the meantime, I will share here some of the things I had visioned and shared in my -former life!- .
This morning I woke up tired, lack of sleep as well as much more that is too long for the journal time I have tonight, since I have a meta reflection to write and hand in tomorrow...probably exhausted, I bursted in tears. But, someone, I mean not anyone, well...Maia, a person who makes everybody and feel good and welcomed, asked me how I was, and BAM. Again. Maia and Ami were not just sweet but listening. I got hugs today, which I needed. Hugs and some closeness don't seem it is a feel good or needed thing for my team at the moment, in our young relationships, as opposed to other teams, to share the warmth of being together, but that's ok, everyone deals with her/his own -feel goods- chocolate, an enquiry, a hello a little warmer then usual, and that feels so nice as well. But today only huge hugs could do it. I got more, even Liza hugged me. I need spontaneous talks gestures warmth. It felt so good. Peta was not feeling too well herself and it made me think I should take care of her. Maybe i should have hugged her :-)
Well anyway. I found a great spot today to shed my tears away. A tree probably older then me, with 2 little cats wondering.
I think it all started helping me gain my confidence back. Sylvie is a dear. She is always careful and laughing. She made me a bowl of fruits. Anyway, I should go to my meta reflection now.
I have been having problems with my links. Hope these work.
Lien >
Women. Another animation in the continuity of The clock is ticking. They are great.


TakePart: Participant Media - Waiting For 'Superman' - Infographic

from Jr.canest on Vimeo.


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