

Photos : Lefebvre/San Blas/2011

No such thing as paper recycling (...), nor metal (although we were told we should find someone who would be willing to have it to go sell it, we tried, wiping refusals). No more glass bottle recycling except bear returnables. Nevertheless, there appears to be four ways to dispose of plastics: recycling it, throwing it in the wild, into the sea, or burning it, a method used in everyday life around us. It is difficult to witness, and to resign ourselves to throw so much in the trash when we have no such habits or envies, which is not a trial but a sad commentary.
Citations from 2 of this week's reading:

«There is a systematic tendency on the part of human to avoid accountability for their own decisions.
Meadow, D.H. (2008) Thinking In Systems: A Primer, p. 157

«The truth is that many things on which your future health and prosperity depend are in dire jeopardy: climate stability, the resilience and productivity of natural systems, the beauty of the natural world, and biological diversity.»

Orr, D. (1991, Winter). What is Education For? Six myths about the foundation of modern education, and six new principles to replace them. In Context [The learning revolution], 27, 52.

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