Beside our home.

photo : Lefebvre / La Cora / Nayarit
Peaceful shine over all for 2012.
I had quickly prepared these 2 postcards, X-mas and New Year's mix, never took time to choose and send them to friends. The Cascade one is not even a metaphor image, since we got lost trying to find it —it's not as if their is any signage or someone to ask directions too. We were so grateful when we reached our Graal. We had walked for an hour before seeing two Mexican men with on a horse and donkey, telling us we had missed the slight road turn at the end of the village. We had to walk back up an hour, on that fairly steep dirt road we had taken, down into a valley —luckily beautiful and in great company of our kids— take the good camino, and walk in new direction for another hour. Then, escalate from the top, to reach the lake part. Amazing view, amazing swim, amazing new year wishes to all.
In my last assignment I wrote that I wondered if my personal perceptions were influencing my interpretation of Maturana, a reading on Cognition —Objectivity/Reality —we were given that week. when I later read our teacher, Bob Kull clarify that Maturana and Poekerson «say that there is no single objective world out there that we are experiencing each in our own way» rather, «each organism enacts the reality it experiences, via its own process of cognition and determined by its physical structure.» Perhaps the 6 of us experienced the swim and view very differently, but deep contempt was on everyone's face and the reality of nature's beauty that day, would not be contested by any of us.
Maturana, H. R., & Poerksen, B. (2004). Varieties of Objectivity; a Conversation from Being to Doing. The Origins of the Biology of Cognition (pp. 1-8). Germany: Carl-Auer. Retrieved from http://www.carl-auer.com/.