

Under the arrow is our home. The former hotel is next door right hand neighbor.

Used to be luxury 70's hotel, where famous people liked to come, our home owner told us. I think Le Corbusier would like this one. It reminds me of the Montreal Silos in worst shape.

Jo's home that we rent until January, is for sale

Our first left hand neighbor's destroyed home. For sale as well.

Second left hand vestige of unknown neighbor' former home. ______________________________________________
And..Hard or Soft Systems.

Week 3 and 4 subjects can seem abstract, but are actually often tangible. Were we to try and determine whether a hurricane's probabilities would be best determined by Hard System's or Soft Systems scenario, I would guess a Hard one (and hard on the people). A Hard systems' approach could evaluate the hurricane's path would eventually hit San Blas, Nayarit, that day in 2002. The intensity, speed and strength of its winds would also figure among the predictions.

Were we to determine what possible outcomes this people's lives after Kenna, then, a Soft System could be put in place to try and find solutions, in regards with peoples stress, family re-localization, opportunities, insurances, governmental help, age, home damage etc...

As for the Tragedy of the Commons, behind the natural but destructive Hurricane, we know we are allowed to wonder whether it was only such a natural path of the elements or if they werein the course of some more obscure combination of human's action over the commons, leading to atmosphere disturbance, leading to Global warming, leading to undertow movements, leading to the biggest challenge of -our-their? times...Climate change and Kenna, hand in hand.

I will post the subject respective readings that Bob Kull suggested us, here soon.

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