

Instructor professor BOB KULL 2011
EECO504 Systems Perspectives [ENVEDCO-MA 2011]

I am both excited and a little nervous to be starting this new class given by instructor Bob Kull. I am just listening to the first podcast with a lot of difficulty, since my Mexican internet connection is not what it had promised to be. Same goes for one of the book references - Thinking in Systems- by Donella Meadows, which I ordered from Purolator for 95$...to make sure I received it on time. 5 days. It's been 10 and they can't seem to find it, but I see it in the tracking... I realized an online version existed, (thanks to Bob Kull) so I downloaded that in the meantime...

The home I will be spending the duration of this class from, is located directly on an isolated beach, and was supposed to be well connected. I sent at least 10 mails, to the least, of questions in making sure it was understood how THAT was basically my only needed condition. It isn't yet. It's been 8 days of -tomorrow-. I have to sit here with the Jejenes (little ferocious mini insects) at some nice people's place, Ken and Luis, to be able to take messages and get as much as I can, in a hour's time or so. I certainly won't be able to Skype from here at midnight...

Monday is the real course START, and I need this connection to be perfect. Otherwise it would mean moving which, in San Blas, doesn't have that many interesting places to stay at. And their is no other house on the beach. Everything except 2 homes were destroyed by hurricane Kenna, a few years back (2002).

I am not sure this course will offer me much time to post on this blog, but I will see as it goes.

The readings that will be cited all along this blog, will most likely be all part of the readings suggested to us by our professor, Bob Kull.

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