

I share the feeling that the greatest fear that is right now, and crucial in our century is fear of change. I appreciated the idea that hope and fear are simultaneously entangled, and each take part in our emotions and actions or decisions. It could help some to envision change differently. Although some text talk of loss, hope, it all comes to what will help us focus on the needed change. Perhaps educating on that fear of change and embodying that it isn't the change that is scary, risky, deadly, it is the opposite. Moser's text on loss also emplies we have to accept change whether when he talks of the 2 transition options we have or one and a half «In both cases, we all will experience enormous and rapid changes, and in both instances losses of what we once had and loved, were familiar with, and dependent on. In the second scenario we may even see improvements in some aspects of our lives – cleaner air, maybe a saner pace of work and life. But change it will involve regardless, and losses without a doubt.»

Feeling adaptation could be/was all was left possible in previous other readings as well, was/is among my worst fears I thought. I now really fear it is the reality. Therefore change doesn't frighten me, and never had, for Climate at least should I say (...). Once it is too late for needed behavior/values/attitudes changes to eradicate deep climate changes, we will be forced to accept change. We won't be given the opportunity or feel empowered by hope, and we will certainly have to face our loss, and move to acceptance.

I am aware, like most of us I assume, that I can have a harder time to accept changing behaviors, ideas or perceptions for views that are different then my assumptions. I even don't hope thinking I might have to do so. I accept that I need to work on these everlasting inner dilemmas that compose us. Dialogue, exchange is the only thing I have found for myself to try and work this. It doesn't mean succeeding all the time, but never letting go that desire, or profound feeling it is part of the answer.  I also trust deeply, that I don't -fear- change. So it gives me hope the solution will be found.

This is much more frightening I find.  Fear of Climate change overblown says Exxon Mobil. (who by the way is among Futerras's Planet Brands, which, although Futerra promotes sustainable changes, we could fear also leads to a load of greenwashing.)
Link below (won't show in green but purple? it fears change :-l)

If the word Change in our Climate century's reality is generating fear, perhaps it is because it is not associated to Loss, but to optimistic hope? Would Change before Climate Loss reduce fear and give more hope that it's not too late for change? Since the positive -there is still hope- doesn't seem to work much either?

Moser, S. (2012). Getting Real About It: Meeting the Psychological and Social Demands of a World in Distress. In Gallagher et al (eds.), Sage reference handbook of environmental leadership. Sage Publications. 

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