Taste of home. Some sadness to leave.
Kent and Luis, dogs out of picture.
El caballero. On the road for new adventures just like us.
Time to fly back home
Ultima vez, our ultimo day in San Blas.
Knowing that we were leaving San Blas at 17:30 the next, we had some night before goodbyes.
We waved encouraging goodbyes one ultima vez, to our daily joggers on the playa, to the wlakers as well, Kent and Luis with their chihuahuas, Gordo and his sweating kaway, and the elder handsome we had named them.
We drank an ultima Margarita ultima Social Club to say goodbye to Pompeyo
We dranj another ultima Margarita home, at Wala Wala, to say goodbye to Pedro.
We were offered a little improvised Jam, his father with maracas and Pedro on his guitar
We did not take an ultimo Mojito o una ultima Cerveza at Stoners to complete our ultima noche. (Stoners closes at 17h).
The day we were leaving (January 12) we're went for an ultimo swim, and ultimo body surfing with the ultima wave. I through our dog Zero his ultimo beach Frisbee throw uno ultimo Zero.
He took his ultimo playa pee.
We went to get our ultima clothing batch washed from the little ladie’s lavatoria.
We gave our ultima propina.
We crossed the San Blas Zocalo una ultima vez.
We ate our ultimo San Blas Taco and has said goodbye to the Taqueria familia.
We went by the market and saw the wichols una ultima vez.
We went to Nestor’s, el Sastre (tailor) to repair our worn out shorts one ultima vez (in preparation for Portugal).
At 5 PM, we said goodbye one ultima vez to our charming neighbor Carol, who, from the freedom of her 84 years, would always encourage me since she went back to school at 40, to Raul, the handyman and guardian angel of the plants and care of the rare playa houses. His smile, his cheerfulness and his onomatopoeia to explain how the water-bomba- was not working, we will miss. We saw our ultimo sunset closing the door of our casa, and we finally happily said goodbye one ultima vez to those damned beasts, the Jejenes!
Then, our ultima night in Mexico, we spent it in Aticama with our friends Anne and Gilles, whom we leave with regret, and who also give us a good reason for this not to be, the ultima vez ....