

photo : Taken by André / Baskatong
Not sure what day it is except due date. (homework only!)
I keep skipping dates. My posts are not interesting, I have no time...
Too much work had to be done. I sent in my Autoethnographic reflection. I was a very interesting exercise to do. What shaped us to be who we are environmentally. I am not sure I have answered all the questions I could have asked myself, I had so much more to say but only 5 pages. The references gave me a hard time, I sort of didn't get to do has many as I wanted, no time left. So it was not as perfectly presented as it should have. But well...I'm learning. English writing is starting to be fun, but my vocabulary and phrasing are somewhat strange I am sure. I wrote down a roaming muffler which didn't make any sense except in my ears. It meant a muffler that traveled or wondered aroung I think :-) I meant to say it was noisy!!!
I even think I didn't change it since I was looking for a better word and not sure I found it.. on my last check up I was just too tired. Exhausted in fact. didn't want to miss the deadline either, so I sent it out. Not something I would have ever done if it was going to the printers! I know I forgot one reference credit to update (carson). Too late I,m not standing up much more so I will head to bed. It's 1:53 here, and 11 over there.

I put a picture of my mother I miss so much. Because it is a that note that I conclude my ethnographic reflection. She was a like a little angel. In Baskatong, the summer before. Her Alzheimer was already pretty heavy for her to deal with.

This is how tired I feel.


DAY 15 !!!!

photo : Lyne Lefebvre / France 2011
Not sure what day it is except due date. (homework only!)
I keep skipping dates. My posts are not interesting, I have no time...
Too much work had to be done. I sent in my Autoethnographic reflection. I was a very interesting exercise to do. What shaped us to be who we are environmentally. I am not sure I have answered all the questions I could have asked myself, I had so much more to say but only 5 pages. The references gave me a hard time, I sort of didn't get to do has many as I wanted, no time left. So it was not as perfectly presented as it should have. But well...I'm learning. English writing is starting to be fun, but my vocabulary and phrasing are somewhat strange I am sure. I wrote down a roaming muffler which didn't make any sense except in my ears. It meant a muffler that traveled or wondered aroung I think :-) I meant to say it was noisy!!!
I even think I didn't change it since I was looking for a better word and not sure I found it.. on my last check up I was just too tired. Exhausted in fact. didn't want to miss the deadline either, so I sent it out. Not something I would have ever done if it was going to the printers! I know I forgot one reference credit to update (carson). Too late I,m not standing up much more so I will head to bed. It's 1:53 here, and 11 over there.


DAY 11

no picture.

I skipped the 23rd. My computer was being updated in order for Endnote to be able to work with the right Configurations. Unfortunately, it still doesn't. I spent the whole day, 24th, trying to figure out how I could have this thing going. No way. The tutorial is 499 pages, but nowhere does it seem to help you -start- the process. It starts explaining as if you already had references imported, which i still don't know how to do. I am short on my post once more, it feels I have to much to do today to catch up. Little friendly St-Jean Baptiste get together tonight at Alain Reno and José's place.



I'm too tired for a picture.
Today I met with Jamie and Don. Early lunch at Santropol a place near mine, a lovely garden and great healthy food. A very nice feeling to meet for real and a lovely short lunch. Jamie had to head off to his student's graduation day. Don and I had a little more talk around a coffe, turned out some was technical problems, word, and software issues. Forget to bring my camera for a blog photo of us 3 together.

I left to go buy Word 2008 and Endnotes, since Word 2004 was not compatible neither with Zotero or the end notes info I could see on internet. My Zotero library may disappear. They didn't have end notes anywhere, would have to order it but afraid it would be too long. Bought 2008 instead of 2011 since my Firefox and computer were not compatible with 2011...Then...
well this is so boring. Ca tonight form 6 to 10pm. But anyhow, my computer is getting fixed tomorrow from 10h30 to 6pm to have endnote and be ready for RRU.. I had to unloaded it, and copy a lot of stuff to work elsewhere in the meantime.

It was not a good day.
It's 2 am , nothing got done, and I'm going to bed.



photo : Lyne Lefebvre / Baskatong 201o

We knoe it but that but it's been 55 millions years that is has not been that bad, and that 50 % of the species have already actually disappeared should have us react much more - on the news tonight.

The world's oceans are in critical condition is a reality we are aware of. But it is also the conclusion of a serious study from 27 marine biologists from six countries, according to which marine life is in peril and some species are threatened. The causes are many, including global warming and ocean acidification. This report was submitted to the UN on Tuesday.

10 years left for our marine ecosystem's survival to change the issue...
Making sure not to use any phosphate, nor petroleum, letting shores live freely, buy only sustainable fish for those who eat some, reduce all other impacts and GES's that end up in water anyhow...won't be enough.

different one but in english

Today's post is not great. No more time left...I feel behind.




photo : Lyne Lefebvre / Dunham cemetery, 2010, Qc ______________________________________________
I did plunge in my reflections today, but much later in the afternoon. Family does remain an important aspect of sustainable living! Our kids, although 2 are away, both found a personal way to manifest their love from far, and we had a lovely brunch with Julia, the oldest. She lives a few streets away, so we see each other often. And she has her weekly dad lunches already. Charlie invited his dad to a film tomorrow, since he was in the country for the weekend. They often share cinema moments, almost weekly when I teach weeknights. Charlie studies in cinema. Jeremie had chosen a novel for Andre to read in her absence to Asia. She gave it to him at the airport, with a little love note. They often share tastes on authors and exchange books. Finally, everything was like usual, except it was father's day. As for my presence to that amazing kid's father, I waited a little longer then I would have, before getting on my computer since we have a lot of work :-)

Like many, and like us, our kids show love all year long, so it’s not as if we make a big deal with father’s day, particularly since it isn't the same date in France as it is here. We wouldn't even bother to remember really did we not read it somewhere in a paper, but they do. It also gave us a short debate subject, questioning how publicity was even worst on mother’s day.
But culturally, it is so present, spending a little time together that day also, remembering it is a precise event, is something our kids could not even think of skipping.

I spent 3 hours looking for information on how to build the document properly...I am like that I suppose. Instead of writing away, I like to know the form it needs to have, font size, heading, bold or light, probably a designer's bad habit, helps me start somewhere, knowing where I am going to, at least form wise, to then, start thinking about the content, the conception, leave the brain free of such practical details and let the ideas settle in. Does it need to be a poster or is more relevant to see it as a book is often a good way for a designer to start thinking, brainstorming, putting ideas freely on paper. But the other way around works also, so instead of frustration and wasting more time, I forgot about the form and started putting ideas on paper. Second gap, In French… For my comprehension of an autoethnography, it made sense that it would come out easier. I’ll think of translating everything later, but starting a canvas today seemed important for me. Psychologically, time wise, in order to sleep better? Knowing I have started something has me know for sure I will finish it. Otherwise I could be tempted by procrastination.
I thought, why do I need to know how the word document needs to be presented? Who cares? But my answer is already filling my head with comparisons that would take pages...

More introspectively though, My father being no longer here, writing my own little learning from the
past seemed to be a way to be with him, with his memory today. He is completely linked to my autoethnography after all. There goes another personal journal style post...Maybe I should start reflecting on class issues a little more...



photo : Lyne Lefebvre / Say no self protrait / Barcelona 2010

The call for a moratorium on shale gas development in Quebec through a protest walk, will be my activity and main post for today. In front of Hydro Quebec at 2 PM.

Corner of René-Lévesque and St-Urbain (Place des Arts metro)
: Saturday June 18 at 2 p.m. Walk towards the premier's Montreal office (corner Sherbooke and McGill College) leaves at 2:30 p.m.

English link

Besides the walk, I will try and have the prompt 2 readings finished and ideally, briefly participate to the forum on prompt 2's subject. One thing I believe, were Aldo Leopold, John Muir, Henry David Thoreau and Ralph Waldo Emerson (our suggested readings) well and alive, and in Montreal today, they would join the protest. Land ethics and environment are at stake here.

I found 2 articles on the subject regarding BC's own shale gas development,
One from a source I am not familiar with, the other in the SUN which I suppose to be one of BC daily newspaper, which defends the idea that comparison is not possible between BC and Quebec's realities in shale gaz matter... I wonder what my new colleagues would think of that.


Speach before leaving

Would this be the drilling's soft representation...

During the protest walk.

(publishing this part the next day.)
The day after the protest, Vice Prime minister Nathalie Normandeau reaffirmed that strategical environmental evaluation for shale gas, had been done transparently and properly.
She rejected all social group's accusations that the alleged report (the so-called moratorium that has emerged from the Office for Public Hearings on the Environment (BAPE)) was just a way to calm down the opposition to this dirty energy (coalition among which 151 university researchers, Greenpeace, Équiterre, political parties such as Quebec Solidaire, and...even nun's communities naming only a few, with the citizens who took the microphone to explain the nightmare of hell they were living, night and day, since they had gas drilling in their backyards, for the past 2-3 years, sometimes more, and no say...

The coalition
criticized, among others, Charest's government for allowing hydraulic fracture to go on, under research purposes.
France and many countries are also undergoing the same type of protest presently.

Nathalie Normandeau tried reassuring citizens that this industry from which we ignore environmental impacts, would not allow development without the consent of the experts around the table, (EES), qualifying the process of rigorous and concerted with the -partners- (development is still going on). The coalition also criticizes the composition of this expert's comity, where the financial world and the petroleum industry are well represented.
(informations resumed and translated from various leDevoir and other press articles.)

As this series of article's title says (in french), it seems only civil disobedience is left to counter shale gas industry. Sounds like a familiar concept form our readings (Thoreau 1949).



photo : lyne Lefebvre

This afternoon, inspired by the readings that were given to us, I tried making a link between religious beliefs and GREENwashing, how did I get there ?
Well, now I am proposing you this HEALTHwashing link about words being combined such as diabetes, cure and Kentucky fFired Chicken... very similar to Greenwashing. Hard to believe...Unfortunately, maybe very realistic and easier to believe then in the existence of Creation by...God.
I didn't put the accompanying photo since I didn't have the source.

You can read the JDFR (Juvenile Diabetes Foundation) response to the blogger who posted this news, in the comments at the bottom of link


Zero, on a recycling strike day / photo : Lyne Lefebvre / Montreal 2010

I have chosen to make this journal a very daily state of the mind or recapitulation type of place. I wonder who I talk to in a journal like this…my new program collegues, my instructors, or just myself as a reminder of this Master adventure? I know my usual blog is being read by my students, and by a wider crowd of ecoresponsible interested communicators. But in this case… I write more –personal impressions, maybe- or share with a small crowd, who will be my communication colleagues at least for the next 2 years!

What should I focus on..thoughts? presenting myself? writing down the personal evolution I should experience? I guess improvising will lead me somewhere.

Today was a fulfilling one, reading everyone's input on prompt 1 felt great. Although I realize how English writing takes me much more time then French writing, it is already very stimulating to have a beginning of communication and a connection feeling with people I don't know yet, at least, reading feels fine. I can follow and understand most of I what I read..! :-)

photo : Lyne Lefebvre / Gaspesia 2010

It feels pretty strange to be doing all of this in English. I am such a Quebeker my English friend Miki would maybe say! My boyfriend is from France, I am a convinced French language protector and lover, although I love all languages. I ask of my students never to use Anglicism or to think that English sounds better, I invite them to cherish and protect our culture and language as much as our environment, I strongly believe in making French schooling accessible and encouraged and made possible for all immigrants in Quebec, I can't vote for a party who doesn't believe in Quebec being a distinctive province...(nor can I vote for a party who doesn't have strong environmental and social propositions). Maybe that could be a start for my autoetnography reflection…

My favorite politician, Amir Khadir / photo : Lyne Lefebvre / Montreal 2009, Palestine War Protest.

I do have to move on to phase 2 with more readings and participation in order not to feel overwhelmed before attending class in Victoria. It will probably take me another day, and writing about it and responding to others, another part of day also. I feel I will be more prepared for writing my paper, after I have gone through the prompts. Oh… needless to say I have to remember my presentation to do. Wow, I wonder if my students feel this way too all year long? I suppose so.

I would say that among these readings, I have been able to express my non-religious earth creation beliefs, while appreciating the importance of the importance of learning from past civilization. (Lester Brown website, our instructor Peta’s proposal and Lynn White’s paper like I said). Talking about religious values not knowing if you are going to shock someone is not as simple as it seems in written words, when you don't have that person in front of you. Our instructor had suggested a paper that I really appreciated no matter how -religion- was widely present in the text. Lynn White’s Historical Roots of Our Ecological Crisis if I got that right, explained of the importance of taking in consideration the past, and almost put the ecological problematic being of religious responsibility to a certain extent. I do think it is an interesting perspective. I know it will be an interesting debate to have with my friend Patrice tonight, as skepticism, greenwashing, religion and environment are among our favorite Friday night debates.

My friend Zero taken by one of our 3 kids, Julia Marois. Garden Montreal, last week.

Time for walk to the mountain with my super pal Zero... And then apero with friends Nathalie and Patrice, who I have known for 35 and 30 years now...




This morning, while starting my readings for Prompt one, where the origin of our relation to nature is depicted in various stories (so far), I received an email from someone form our cohort, Don Osllin. He was telling me he was coming for a short stay in Montreal to visit his daughter and offered that we share a coffee. I thought it was so nice. The sense of belonging to a group with whom we will be sharing time and values became very concrete. I was delighted of course, and replied Promptly :-). It also could somehow relate to the course, to a sentence from one of the readings that were proposed to us by our instructor Peta White, for this first reflection exercise, in Richard Atleo' Tsawalk story of the Son of Raven capturing the Day (1) : The whole of life and existence is characterized by relationships that are inherent.

I then went to Don's profile, and remembered who he was when reading his interests regarding edible education and sustainability through cooking. I thought I could offer him a link to a very interesting Montreal researcher Diane Bisson's work, the Edible project.
Diane Bisson studied design, humanities and social sciences and her creation work where sustainability is key, appears to be a dialogue between design and anthropology
as it is expressed through her work and explained in her short bio. I believe it is implicit that design should consider all aspects of humanity and be sustainable, in order to be called -design-.

Today's post will be this short I believe, since I have many readings ahead. Later, I will try to think of a place Don would appreciate.

(1) Atleo, E. Richard (Umeek). Tsawalk: A Nuu-chah-nulth Worldview. Vancouver, BC, CAN: UBC Press, 2004. p 7.

Jeremie taken by her sister Julia last week.
We share the same bad habit of scratching. Her behind the ear, me back of neck.

I am adding a parenthesis to remind me, 2 years from now, that today I youngest daughter, Jeremie, left for a 2 month trip to Asia. I don't worry yet (and I don't have time to!), I will if I don't receive an email now and then...



How have I come to be constructed as an
environmental educator and communicator? *

I am just starting this blog as my course Journal. Although many things happened since I have applied and received the admission letter and very encouraging and stimulating emails from Doctor Richard Kool Head for the MA in environment education and communication, I won't begin with my whole autoethnography, first -homework- for EECO500 class - Developing Environmental Understanding, with instructor/mentor Peta White.
It would bring me too far back in time, in order to succeed and not repeat myself too much between the journal, the presentation, and the paper -prompts- to be done. Luckily for me, autoetnography is the same in French and English, since so far, I have had to look up into some dictionaries a few times, for some words that appeared to be key ones (such as prompts...). Being francophone adds on a little level of difficulty for me. My English vocabulary and knowledge are quite limited in comparison with educated English people. French of course would be so much easier to communicate clearly, but who says easy was more fun? Well, I challenge myself to improve my English, as well, 2 years from now…

I intend to write one post a day, throughout these 25 exciting months I have ahead of me with amazing people
(which would mean 9000 posts!). I am very enthusiastic about the classes and participants, felt a little overwhelmed when I saw what needed to be done in pre-residency, before heading to the class, since the first course was supposed to start on the 20th, and the option to start was offered to us on the 13th. There is so much left for me to do preparing my leave from University, before I can jump into this course completely. I wondered if the 8 to 20 hours work a week suggested were going to be realistically sufficient in order for me to succeed this fascinating Master course...

Monday, I started the Orientation to Online Learning at RRU (Royal Roads University). Viewing all the training materials available, from welcome to latest news, online learning, navigation, assignment, forum, elluminate, profile, book, poll, glossary, wiki, blog, other learning and feedback sections, was supposed to take between 30 minutes to 3 hours, depending on our technical skills. Well I feel very at ease with a computer, I use it all day long and I am familiar with many software being a designer, but it almost took me the whole day to read everything, and watch every video offered…Well, I did feel like I was a serious student in the end
:-) and that I had a lot to learn ahead of me.

* This title is key to this course. It is the reflection we will be having and that we will try to share answer



photo : Lyne Lefebvre / France 2011
I am happy to be starting this MA in Environmental Education and Communication from the School of Environment and Sustainability from Royal Roads University. This blended interactive program feels in harmony with sustainability, allowing myself and my cohort to live in Madagascar just as we could live in Danemark, Melbourne or Albuquerque, while still learning as a group, and communicating as well. The combination of intensive classes on campus with online classes, forums, team work via software that allows raising the hand (!) and sharing views and opinions through icons and microphones, while having the instructor's input and Ok for writing on the black board... Well, for the moment, I am slowly discovering all of this and it feels very well structured and exciting.

I am diving into the student -learner- universe, and loving it.

I have homework to do, and will be trading in my Robert for Collins and take a flight for that other end of Canada, that sometimes confuses us, here in the Quebec Francophone province of this vast country. After that short stay in Victoria will be a so far unknown destination. Crucial condition : access to a very reliable internet connection and secondly, feel as far and destabilized as can be, while feeling at home...