Zero, on a recycling strike day / photo : Lyne Lefebvre / Montreal 2010
I have chosen to make this journal a very daily state of the mind or recapitulation type of place. I wonder who I talk to in a journal like this…my new program collegues, my instructors, or just myself as a reminder of this Master adventure? I know my usual blog is being read by my students, and by a wider crowd of ecoresponsible interested communicators. But in this case… I write more –personal impressions, maybe- or share with a small crowd, who will be my communication colleagues at least for the next 2 years!What should I focus on..thoughts? presenting myself? writing down the personal evolution I should experience? I guess improvising will lead me somewhere.
Today was a fulfilling one, reading everyone's input on prompt 1 felt great. Although I realize how English writing takes me much more time then French writing, it is already very stimulating to have a beginning of communication and a connection feeling with people I don't know yet, at least, reading feels fine. I can follow and understand most of I what I read..! :-)

photo : Lyne Lefebvre / Gaspesia 2010
It feels pretty strange to be doing all of this in English. I am such a Quebeker my English friend Miki would maybe say! My boyfriend is from France, I am a convinced French language protector and lover, although I love all languages. I ask of my students never to use Anglicism or to think that English sounds better, I invite them to cherish and protect our culture and language as much as our environment, I strongly believe in making French schooling accessible and encouraged and made possible for all immigrants in Quebec, I can't vote for a party who doesn't believe in Quebec being a distinctive province...(nor can I vote for a party who doesn't have strong environmental and social propositions). Maybe that could be a start for my autoetnography reflection…

My favorite politician, Amir Khadir / photo : Lyne Lefebvre / Montreal 2009, Palestine War Protest.
I do have to move on to phase 2 with more readings and participation in order not to feel overwhelmed before attending class in Victoria. It will probably take me another day, and writing about it and responding to others, another part of day also. I feel I will be more prepared for writing my paper, after I have gone through the prompts. Oh… needless to say I have to remember my presentation to do. Wow, I wonder if my students feel this way too all year long? I suppose so.
I would say that among these readings, I have been able to express my non-religious earth creation beliefs, while appreciating the importance of the importance of learning from past civilization. (Lester Brown website, our instructor Peta’s proposal and Lynn White’s paper like I said). Talking about religious values not knowing if you are going to shock someone is not as simple as it seems in written words, when you don't have that person in front of you. Our instructor had suggested a paper that I really appreciated no matter how -religion- was widely present in the text. Lynn White’s Historical Roots of Our Ecological Crisis if I got that right, explained of the importance of taking in consideration the past, and almost put the ecological problematic being of religious responsibility to a certain extent. I do think it is an interesting perspective. I know it will be an interesting debate to have with my friend Patrice tonight, as skepticism, greenwashing, religion and environment are among our favorite Friday night debates.

My friend Zero taken by one of our 3 kids, Julia Marois. Garden Montreal, last week.
Time for walk to the mountain with my super pal Zero... And then apero with friends Nathalie and Patrice, who I have known for 35 and 30 years now...